Before I Say My Vows TEASER

My Spiced Chai Latte sat at the bar waiting for me. Not wanting any more to drink but not wanting to appear ungrateful, I picked up the cup and followed Carla to the door. Her tall, curvy stature blocked my view when it swung open. At the same time, my phone rang Jake’s ringtone. I rummaged through my purse with one hand while holding it open with the other. 

“Nhoell!” Carla yelled out my name. I peered up just in time to keep from crashing into a few people entering. Then went back to searching, heart racing faster with each second. Side pocket!  

“I am so sorry, sir. I wasn’t paying attention. Did I get anything on you?” I went for the side pocket in quick, jittery movements as I listened to the tone approach its ending.

“Nhoell!” Carla yelled again. I grabbed my phone from the side pocket and snapped my head up. 

“What!” The phone stopped ringing. “Shit.” I whispered. 

“Leave the damn phone alone and apologize to this nice-looking brotha.” With her hip out and purse dangling from her arm, Carla’s gaze turned at the man’s feet and ended at his face. Following suit, I started at his impeccable nice brogue oxford shoes and worked my way to his slim fitted dress pants. His beautiful, dark, callused hands rested at his side and the suit jacket fit his frame nicely. I reached his face and felt my own turn to stone. He smiled like he waited for me to lift my head. A smile I knew all too well. My heart fluttered, and my body oozed a slow, warm hum, unlike the heavy pounding it had given me beforehand. Only then did I recall the many moments I had this exact feeling in my heart, my body, in my fingertips and even between my legs. It felt like my soul eased its way back into its vessel. But the pleasure I felt building up was tainted by resentment. All I had now for the man that stood towering over me was seething anger. My soul throbbed again. And the memories of the last time I saw him came storming back like a blizzard. I despised him all over.

“Nhoell.” He spoke in a heavy voice so enthralling, I thought I’d cave in. “How have you been?” 

I still didn’t respond. My only thoughts were of hurting him as painfully as I had for the past ten years.

“Nhoell?” Carla said hesitantly. “You know this guy?” 

I blinked a few times to keep my equilibrium, then forced a smile.

“Yes… I’m afraid I do,” I spoke to Carla, not breaking eye contact with him. “I’ve been well, Gregory. Yourself?”

“I can’t complain. You look wonderful, Nhoell. Oh, you’re married.”


“Your ring.” His shift in tone confused me. 

“Oh,” I placed my hand at my side, away from view. “Not yet.”

“I see.” His shoulders eased and the gleam in his eyes made my heart drum in my chest again. I had not seen him in ten years, but there he was. Staring back at me, with a light in his eyes I never seen before. He didn’t deserve that light. 

Jake’s ringtone startled me and brought me back to sensibility. I looked at my phone, concentrated on not missing his call a second time. 

“I have to go.” I pushed passed Gregory and out the door. As soon as the wind encased itself around my body, cooling me off, I took a deep breath and answered the phone.

“Hi, Jake!”

Photo by: Marvin Bienaime, Model: @richful_sinner4

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