Veda Juice Detox. How I Benefited From It.

First off, I never thought I would do a juice detox, let alone be able to complete one. So, I never tried it. Based on my research in the past, I figured it would be very beneficial. Oh, but I didn’t realize just how beneficial it would be.

It started with an email I received at the end of the year asking if anyone wanted to take part. I believe my boss’ wife owns the juice shop. Initially, I said no. A few minutes later, I decided, what the heck. There are two things that made me change my mind. One: I have a bad stomach and do not digest food well. Most times I have to be mindful of what I eat. Which is hard as heck. So, I figured the juice detox could help. Two: My husband and I had already planned to change our lifestyle. We will work on adding a new addition to the family. I hoped this detox would be the start.

Three days before juicing, I had to adjust my eating habits. I became pescatarian six months ago and a majority of my meals are self-prepared and mostly comprise fish and vegetables. I don’t drink sodas but I enjoy sweets. There wasn’t much to change in my diet, but I found it difficult to prepare because I enjoy eating. A lot.

The first day of my juice detox wasn’t too difficult during the day. Honestly, I woke up looking forward to it. I think the fact of being busy at work helped me curve my hunger. Apart from the water I constantly drank. But as soon as I made it home, I was in the dead zone. I was hungry. The house smelled of southern cooking. Every single thing enticed me. I hated it! But I was still adamant about making it to the end. To distract myself, I worked on the revisions for my upcoming novel.

The second day (Friday) was much better, until I made it home to the house smelling of fried fish. I will not lie, I bit a piece of the fish. And it was good, so I didn’t beat myself up over it. But what really showed me that the detox was beneficial was my sleeping habits. I have sleep apnea. I’m always waking up exhausted and, on the weekends, I wake up around noon or one. When Saturday came, my last day of the detox, I woke up at eight o’clock feeling well rested and happy. I wasn’t fatigued or hungry either. I couldn’t believe I was up that early. So, I worked on my revision until that night.

Again, the next morning (Sunday), I woke up at nine o’clock feel rejuvenated and well rested. As soon as I jumped out of the bed, I ran into the living room and sung to my husband and mom. Realizing my actions, I smiled and ran straight to the kitchen to drink water. Even though I couldn’t wait to finish the detox so I can eat real food again, I didn’t. Once it was over, food was the last thing on my mind. I didn’t eat until after noon.

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